Sunday, June 6, 2010

This Weeks Appointments

This is a week in my journey. Wednesday I am going for my 2nd Bariatric visit with the ARNP and Dietician. Also I am having and upper GI Endoscopy on the same day. Will be the first experience with the scope and feel my nerves. You make a choice and follow through. Bottom line. I choose to live.


  1. Eric, only been following you for a bit now, but have already sensed your self worth is improving by leaps and bounds. I wish you peace in this journey. I know from whence I speak, its never ending to keep your head up and forward, no matter what size you are.

  2. Vonnie;

    Your comment was well received and for that I will always be greatful. I started this journey blinded by my morbid obesity. For years I was living a lie with an outward and onward exterior of being at peace. I have let life pass me by, trapped in a suit of adipose tissue that is literally killing me.

    Truth be known, one day at one point or another just like a library book we are due to be turned in. I have always imagined what will take my mortal existance. I know one thing is for sure, it will not be from morbid obesity. I was more hoping for fairy tale ending just like when we worked at Story Land.
